We at West LaFollette Baptist Church realize that hard times come upon individuals and families at different times and for different reasons. Because of this, we have a benevolence policy and the copy posted below should be read carefully. Please notice that you must attend a worship service in order to receive a copy of the policy and to be considered eligible for benefits. WLBC does this for a few reasons: First, we want to meet you and get to know you personally. Secondly, we want to better understand your situation. Lastly, we want to use this benevolence ministry to help with spiritual needs. Please note the information that is needed to fill out the policy and the amounts that are given to members and non-members. Thanks!
Benevolence Policy
(Church Member or Non-Member)
Non-Members: To qualify for assistance, a person must be at least 21 and live within a three-mile radius of West LaFollette Baptist Church. Only requests for electric, gas, fuel oil, food or medicine will be considered.
Assistance for non-members is limited to $25.00 per person per calendar year. Funds are also limited by the amount of money in the Benevolence Fund. Should numerous requests come in at once, no more than half of the money in the Benevolence Fund may be spent on nonmembers at that time so that we may have a cushion in the event a church member has a need. All requests for help will be at the Pastors and/or Deacons’ discretion. All payments will be made directly with the supplier. No cash or checks will be given directly to an individual. Requests for food will be handled through our food pantry or with vouchers from a local grocer. The person requesting assistance must come to the church (During a service) and fill out an application form signifying the type of assistance needed. If money is requested for help in getting electric power turned back on, the applicant must provide us with proof that all of that bill has been paid LESS the amount we will put toward the bill.
This policy does not guarantee that everyone who requests help will receive it. (Request may take 1-2 weeks)
Church Members: Any member qualifies for assistance. The only limit on the amount we can assist is the amount in the Benevolence Fund plus the amount other members care to share. The member’s involvement in church activities will be considered when making a determination about the amount of preference over nominal members – sick and shut-in being excepted. Assistance that will be provided with members in good standing having for special requests over $100.00, the Deacons will be consulted. A special offering may be taken if deemed necessary. Requests for assistance for electric, gas, fuel oil, medical, food, rent or other payments will be considered. All requests for help will be at the Pastors and/or Deacons’ discretion. The member requesting assistance must fill out an application form signifying the type of assistance needed. All payments will be made directly with the supplier. No cash or checks will be given directly to an individual unless approved by the church. Requests for food will be handled through our food pantry.
This policy does not guarantee that everyone who requests help will receive it. (Request may take 1-2 weeks)
Application for Benevolence Assistance
Name: _________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: Zip: __________________________
Phone Number(s) ________________________________________________________
Member of West LaFollette Baptist Church? Yes__ No__
Check next to the area for which you are requesting assistance: Electric____ Natural___ Gas/Propane Fuel Oil_______ Food_____ Medicine______
Church members may also choose from the following:
Medical Rent Other _____________
If you are applying for assistance with a utility (electric, gas, fuel oil), please write your account number below:
Sign Here: Date:
_____________________________________________ ____________________